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Writer's pictureVhannah Montana

Friendships: Chapter Three "The Fallout"

The Fallout is the moment when the chapter is closed for the friendship. There could be terrible fallouts, ghosted fallouts, or beautiful fallouts. We all have to make a choice in life. If the friendship is not healthy and you gave it a try way too many times, then that means this is it. This is "The Fallout," and it is what you do next that defines that moment in your life.

It could be a huge moment or minuscular moment, but it does have much importance. It is a break-up of a friendship. Others like the roller-coaster ride (like their in a relationship) and I been on a few of those, there not fun. This means that you do not know how to say goodbye, so you argue like a married couple until someone is completely over it. You come in and out of the friendship to the point you have to be constantly filled in by other people of what is going on with your friend. If that is your idea of friendship, I commend you for having patience. It is okay to put in the work to try and save the friendship, but if it's toxic. That is not friendship, it is disguised as something else.

In a break-up there is that point after the throwing crap everywhere, yelling at any happy couple on a screen, and binging on anything that is bad for you; that you understand you just need to move on. It is the same for an amazing friendship that just ran its course. You wish the best for your ex-friend and learn that you both need to move on. It does not always have to be females being caddy to one another, you can actually wish the best for the person and not be friends with them. It is possible to not hate on one another or act like a child if you see them. We tend to have a problem because sometimes we become bitter about how it ended or that the friendship ended at all.

Gossip is a nasty thing. This is like a third-grade lesson and we still do not understand that it does nothing for us. It is so important to mind your business in life and when you stop talking to someone just stay in your own lane. Do not drive in their lane because you are mad that you are not friends anymore. Taking a step back and learning to be an adult is very important for your own sanity. If you worrying about what Tom, Dick, and Harry are doing and you claimed you want nothing to do with them; then are you really not worried? The fallout is a process and understanding between both parties. Everyone has to worry about themselves, be happy for one another quietly, and no one is obligated to do anything anymore for each other. Things will not always go your way in life and at times it is possible for people to just stop talking because they hit that point. We swear we know people, but we don't know them. The word "friend" is used so loosely nowadays, just because people are in the same group does not mean they are all friends. However, that is a whole other conversation.

The fallout can be viewed anyway you want to look at it. The most important part is understanding that you can not stay bitter forever. Making up stories about the person is doing nothing for you, and Karma is real. You have to move on, forgive and try to forget; because the only person who will get hurt at the end of the day is you.

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